Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Many Ways Of Making Money On The Net

Everyone has come across opportunities to make money on the net, be it starting your own business, being an affiliate member, autosurf programs, high yield investment programs (HYIP) etc. The list is endless and each program has its fair share of winners and skeptics.

Each venture has its amount of risk, be it in time, effort and finances. The norm is that the higher the risk, the better the returns. This is especially true for the autosurf and HYIP sites where the latter has sites advertising 100%+ profits in 24hrs for pretty much doing nothing except surfing or depositing, of course the risk factor has a direct correlation with the advertised returns!

The more stimulating and challenging, but equally rewarding is that of affiliate marketing, where an affiliate earns a commission for every sale made through his/her personal efforts be it through websites, emails or others. There are numerous internet gurus out there willing to share their secrets for a price to pave your road to success in the internet, teaching the various tried methods to drive traffic to your site, to reach out to millions etc. Do be careful of scams though!

The initial learning curve is steep but if you diligently follow through the steps, things do get remarkably clearer as one advances deeper.

What is involved in affiliate marketing? For starters, a small budgeting fund to secure the rights of a good program, setting up a site and advertising. Consider this as an investment to your future wealth, an exchange of a current expenditure for future easier spending when your pockets are fuller! Or take it as tuition fees for a course in internet marketing if all else fails in convincing oneself.

Within the downloads, there are many good tips and strategies for increasing your sites visibility via search engines, joining top affiliate sites, adsense, profiting from ebay, sales letters etc. effectively the how tos to optimize returns from your site(s).

Every journey must start from somewhere, be it simply opening a door to take the first step or hitting that Enter key on your keyboard. Cash will not simply drop into your lap although the process has been simplified by these internet gurus.

Currently, one such program has an attractive web site builder package included when one signed up as a VIP member. For those daunted by the prospect of having to design and build a site, this will take a load off ones mind.

Keep at it and keep an open mind, experimenting as you move along and the rewards will be more than the effort invested!

See the site results of the webby-building offer : http://www.rightstowealth.com

The Journey of a Thousand miles (translate that to cash) begins with a Single Step.

Vinny ChiaAlexi Blog86986
Alayne Blog18150

Starting a Business from Scratch with an Unsecured Loan

It comes the time when one wants to be his own boss. If youre tired of working for others, if you have a brilliant idea that just needs finance in order to become a reality, what you need is to start your own business. However, to do so, youll need finance and when it comes to applying for a loan many questions may arise.

You surely wonder which type of loan you need, weather you qualify for a business loan or not, where you can get the loan that you need and how can you improve your chances of getting approved. Well, read on as all your questions are about to be answered.

When you think about starting a new business, the first thing you think about is a business loan, yet youd be mistaken if you think you can get approved for a business loan. Business loans are only for running businesses with at least a 3 year running provable credit history.

Unsecured Business Loans

If you want to start a new business from scratch or get finance for your running business that doesnt have 3 years of credit history yet, youll have to apply for an unsecured loan. Since unsecured loans carry no collateral, your credit score or the firms credit score will determine your ability to obtain the loan along with the interest rate youll be charged.

The reason why an unsecured loan is the smart way to go is that, businesses tend to generate income rapidly once everything is settled up, so youll be able to repay it sooner and avoid the risk of repossession if something goes wrong. The flexibility associated with unsecured loans is what makes them the rule when it comes to businesses.

Specific Requirements

Since youll be applying for an unsecured loan for starting a new business, and given that there are lenders specialized in dealing with this kind of situations, you should get prepared for this loan process by putting together the following documentation:

You need to prepare a Business Outline; youll include in this paper all the information regarding the future business: its structure, market conditions, employees needed, machinery needed, etc. Anything that a capitalist would like to know before giving his money for an investment are the same things a lender will want to know.

Youll also need to provide a financial avowal stating, if your business has been running for at least a year, everything related to its performance: General Costs, Income, Expenses, Results, etc.

There are a lot of forms youll need to fill that will be provided by the lender, but in order for you to be prepared, you should know theyll deal with insurance, legal issues, social security, etc.

Loan Amount and Feasibility

The loan amount youll be able to get will depend on your credit score and history but lenders are willing to lend $200000 or more as long as they consider your business project to be viable. So you need to concentrate on convincing them that you can achieve everything youve claimed in your business outline. Promises are not enough, you need to show proof that everything you propose is doable and that the only thing you need is the finance that theyll provide.

Bryan Quinn is a financial advisor with more than thirty years of experience in the field of finance who aids people undergoing financial problems and helps them obtain personal loans, home loans, student loans and grants, consolidation loans, car loans and many other financial products regardless of their credit situation. For more smart tips on Unsecured Loans you can visit http://www.badcreditloanservices.com and also learn more about other financial options.Andra Blog44132
Annmaria Blog62385

Support the US Ban on Horse Slaughtering

Hi, everyone.

There is a big issue for horse lovers before the Senate right now. Three foreign-owned horse slaughter plants here in the USA are killing American horses to sell to diners in Belgium, France and Japan. They kill the horses, harvest the meat, and then ship it overseas. There is a bill before the Senate right now to ban this practice in all 50 states.

Me and some friends are asking people to send an email to their senators asking them to push this bill through and vote to end horse slaughtering. The bill has already passed the US House of Representatives and this is the last hurdle before it goes to the President for his signature.

A common misperception is that the horses are old or sick - not true. Many are under 2 years old and healthy, and are sold simply for money.

Here's how you can help - everyone needs to contact their senators and indicate they don't want our horses dying to feed other countries.

Go to http://www.congress.org/congressorg/home/ and type in your zip code. Send an email to both of your US senators and tell them to stop this terrible practice. The vote is coming before the Senate next week so please do it NOW! :-) Thanks!!!

And here is a blog that we set up so you can read more information about it:


:-) Thanks!!!

Jenny RappAiley Blog57895
Ailey Blog57895

Traffic Building Look Out For The Potholes

A website is only as good as the number of visitors it attracts. You need visitors to be successful in marketing and selling your products or services. Without traffic even the best looking website is doomed for failure. Unfortunately there are many scams on the internet designed to trap desperate webmasters.

You finally have your website published and you are as proud as any parent would be of a new addition to the family. Well, nearly as excited. You cannot wait for visitors to flock to your site and to gulp up everything you have to offer them. You expect to hear the cash register ringing all the time. You expect to sit back and watch the money roll in. After a while you cannot help but acknowledge that nothing is happening and that you are probably the only visitor to your website. Sounds familiar?

The above scenario is all too common on the internet and most successful webmasters started their first website anticipating huge results that never happened. They only started to become successful once they realized that the internet is not a get-rich-quick scheme but that building a successful website takes time, dedication and hard work, like any other business.

As soon as you realize your website is not getting traffic you reach a crossroad You can take the straight and narrow road that requires more work, but that will take you to your destination, or, the broad road that seems easier to travel on but is actually only a mirage.

Many internet marketers make the mistake of taking the broad road, the easy road. It looks easy at first glance but turns out to be a road leading to nowhere. A typical case of good from far but far from good. Taking this road often involves doing business with dubious sites promising you huge amounts of traffic in exchange for cash. Money that you can often not afford to spend but feel obliged to spend thinking it is the only thing you can do to get people to visit your site. It is the same as a musician giving free tickets away to his concert in the hope that people will buy his album once they have heard him. Actually it is worse. It is more like a musician paying someone to get people to visit his concert. He does not really know where these people come from and are not sure at all whether he will sell any albums to them. If he does sell some albums then he normally does not even make enough money to reimburse himself for his initial investment in getting people to his c!

This may sound a bit dramatic but is happens every day when internet marketers start getting desperate for traffic. There certainly are sites out there that will deliver the traffic at the right price. Problem is that it is not the type of traffic you need. You may end up getting many hits but dont be surprised if you get no sales as the people clicking on your site are often poor people in third world countries that get paid cents to click on sites but will never buy anything on the sites they visit. Sad but true. By the way, never subscribe to sites that offer to click on your Google Adsense adverts in your website. Such clicks are fraudulent. Google will find out about it and you may be banned from ever using their tools again.

There are many schemes out there designed to trap desperate webmasters. As a rule, do not spend any money to obtain traffic when you just start out. There is an enormous amount of valuable and free information on the internet that will help you to grow your business. Read up as much as possible on the internet and if you feel a need to invest money at a later stage in legitimate programs like Google Adwords you will be able to make an informed decision.

Remember that if something sounds too good to be true that it normally is too good to be true. Stay on the straight and narrow road and you will reach your destination.

Francois du Toit is the owner of http://www.money-maker-advice.com, a website designed to help new entrepreneurs succeed by evaluating various online and offline business opportunities, affiliate programs and network marketing options. The website also offers free articles and tools that will assist webmasters in building profitable websites.Aila Blog22586
Antonia Blog85508

Tips For Collecting Old Money

One of the most common hobbies is collecting money. Many people have enjoyed this activity for decades and money collecting is thriving even today. As a hobby, collecting money means collecting old money. Otherwise, we are all trying to collect money before the bills come. However, do you know how many people collect old money, antique notes and coins from previous decades and even centuries?

Coin collectors are much more common than old money collectors of the paper variety, though the latter are still quite active and manage to find some rare items occasionally. That paper variety may include pre US colonial currency, money from the beginning of the 19th century, currency from the Confederate States of America and also some souvenir cards of old money as the money itself are almost impossible to find and twice as hard to purchase.

If you are keen on collecting old money you will probably know that a collector's item of old money is called fractional currency. I was really intrigued when I learnt that during the Civil War the United States began printing 50 cents, 25 cents, 15 cents, 10 cents and 5 cents paper money as they run short on change. Now such weird banknotes are highly desired by any true collector.

There is also other interesting fractional currency which is much sought after. These are private banknotes from the 1800s. Before the US government created a national banknote there were some banks issuing their own money without government backing. However, it was not long before these banks were closed down and the banknotes were counterfeited and altered.

Once the national bank system was established, privately issued bank money was declared to be illegal. Ever since US government money was issued it has retained monetary value. However, it is not the same case with the obsolete old bills from closed banks and this is the prime reason why these banknotes are worth finding. Actually private banknotes from the 1800s have remained an interesting item for collectors throughout the centuries.

It is pretty evident that a lot of old money has significant value nowadays. It is true that casual collectors cannot afford to have any authentic old money and notes from the 1800s and early 1900s as their value and consequently price are too high. That's how collecting souvenir cards are becoming more and more popular. Having them you can collect a piece of history without actually paying a high price for it.

If you are wondering where you can find old money, you probably wont like my answer. It is really difficult to find old money. Of course, you might still be able to collect a Thomas Jefferson two dollar bill, but those antique coins and notes you are seeking won't be easily found, nor purchased. The easiest way to satisfy your desire to collect old money is through dealers, collectors, auctions and old money paper shows.

You might also find the International Bank Note Society's Journal and webpage not only very interesting but useful, as well. They offer contact information for trades and auctions and what is the best, they provide you with images of old currency on their website. In conclusion, old money collecting is a unique and fun hobby. It has its challenges but it there is no doubt it is worth taking.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning credit. Learn more at http://www.bestcreditcoaches.com/debt--credit-information/credit--debt-information/tips-for-collecting-old-money.htmlAnalise Blog66731
Alvera Blog99353

Traveler Tips

Important general tips

Always buy your tickets online because online tickets are cheaper (as it doesnt include the agents commission) and you can easily compare the prices offered by different airlines.

If its your first time to a particular country, then cracking a deal with some of the best tourism agents and companies like SOTC, Thomas Cook could be a good idea and in first place you can bargain as well.

Always plan your journey and book tickets months in advance that could save a lot on money.

Never forget to bargain if you carrying extra luggage, although packing less and packing right is highly advisable.

Always read about the weather, history and people of the place you are traveling to that could really make you comfortable.

Possibly, carry along a credit card because most credit card company offers cheap interest rates and easy repayments on international transactions. Make sure with your company about the transaction rate.

Always carry more travelers cheque rather than cash money because it is safer and easily exchangeable at most of the banks.

Never forget to carry some cash in case of emergencies they might work your way out

Also, get an insurance done if you going for long vacations because many insurance companies cover theft, minor law breaking and accidents.

Also carry regular medicines for cough, cold or fever.

Packing Tips

Lets have a quick summary of what you should carry. Packing could be the most tedious job of all. But, when your destination is Europe you dont really have to worry a lot. In short, Pack less and relax. I m sure you want to enjoy more and not sweat most of the time.

Also get the roadmaps and hot destinations flyers and small booklets with you that wont waste time and I am sure you know that time is money.

Always remember to take a camera or a handy cam, for that is what will keep the sweet memories.

The first thing you have to bear in mind is, what time of the year you want to go because most of the countries are cold during winter and most of the people prefer anytime between March and September.

First of all organize your passport, money and all essential documents in a single pouch or bag that you would be carrying on your hand.

Multi-purpose clothing must be a good idea like the ones with many pockets (remember pockets will load off all your worries) and the lower legs can be zipped off.

Also, learn about money stashing in clothes thats the tip of the day.

Never carry food as it consumes a lot of space, unless you are the cant do without sort of.

Flip-flops and light shoes are best way walking and big boots could do well if you go in mountains

Just carry two-three jeans and a couple of tees, take sample size toiletries like toothpaste, toothbrush, soap etc.

Its better to carry big rucksacks, those can be mounted on your back and easy to go about.

Never forget about the things back home, always remember things have to be safe back home so if you have someone trusted hire him/her for home sitting. One of most safest idea is leave some or the other lights of your house on ( thats a million dollar tip)

Well thats most of the thing you need to look for, rest you smart people can work out.

I wish you a happy and a safe journey.

Puripong Koomsin is the owner of Travel Europe Guide - Europepathway.com Traveler Tips is one of many useful articles from http://www.europepathway.com.Audry Blog27364
Antonietta Blog35642

Getting The Tools For Do-It-Yourself Car Repair

It's great to be able to do as many things as possible by yourself. Imagine fixing your vehicle without having to take it to a mechanic and pay your first kid's college savings? That is the reason why do-it-yourself car repair is such a big deal. Everyone and their grandmother wants to get under their own hood and get it all fixed up by themselves. How great would it feel to be able to take care of yourself?

If you are interested in cars and want to empower yourself and fix your own auto, the first thing you should do is have a good, thorough look at the manual. Familiarize yourself for all the thousands of tiny little parts of your vehicle. Although it sounds like a daunting task, everything will make more sense after you have absorbed it. And best of all: It will save you piles of cash as well. So, get each auto part figured out and see how it all works together.

If you want to fix something in your car and make it run better, you want to make sure you know what you're doing. IF you want to do something more important, like replace your brake pads, you want to be sure you're doing it right. That's a job you certainly don't want to screw up.

After you've perused the appropriate vehicle manual, you need to stock up on tools. But before you go and shell out the cash at your local automotive store, take a look on the internet. You can often find better deals online, as well as tips on what brands are the best. There are loads of forums online where you can get free advice.

How Can You Save Cash?

Before you purchase anything on the internet, make sure it's what you need. You can go to a 'big box' shop like for example Wal-mart and do some window shopping. Go somewhere with a wide selection of tools and look around. Ask the staff for advice. Then, when you know just what you need, go home and order it from the internet. It is important to make sure you are getting the right things;it can be an expensive pain to have to send the wrong thing back.

The most important thing is to make sure your repairs are thorough. You don't want to make any mistakes that will cost you more money later. If you are totally clueless, check out some online forums.

Terry Bolton is a writer and internet publisher of Car Repair Info. You can go to http://www.the-car-repair-portal.com for more.Ardith Blog43247
Aurea Blog15544

Bad Credit Unsecured Loans UK counter credit woes in taking fresh loan

In the UK, it is now a lot easier for bad credit people who have a blemished credit history to avail a new loan, thanks mainly to ever increasing competition amongst the lenders. In order to survive, there have now mushroomed numbers of lenders who have bad credit unsecured loans for such borrowers in the UK. So despite bad credit, you have fresh opportunity in getting the loan for home improvements, buying a new car, debt consolidation, wedding or enjoying holidays.

Many people in the UK are having arrears or late payments in their names or they have defaulted on payments and have county court judgments. Bad credit unsecured loans are meant for such borrowers. These loans are risky for any lenders. So in order to cut risks, lenders want to see that the borrower has good repaying capacity. Your annual income, bank balance is therefore crucial for a lender. So ensure that you have a fair amount in your bank always while applying for bad credit unsecured loans. The faith the lender has in you, determines the approval of the loan. Make all efforts to convince the lender that the loan amount will be repaid in time.

Bad credit unsecured loans UK is approved without taking collateral from the borrower, which makes it a risk free loan for the applicant. Lenders, however, charge interest at higher rate on bad credit unsecured loans. To counter high rate you can take rate quotes and compare lenders. You get only smaller amount ranging up to ₤25000 for shorter duration that ranges 5 to 15 years.

If you search internet you come across numbers of bad credit unsecured loans providers in the UK. Do not go by their claims of a suitable deal for you. First take rate quotes of lenders. Compare individual interest rates of lenders. For your circumstances there is surely a suitable loan offer. You should ensure that you pay back the loan installments regularly so that your credit score improves and loan in future is easier to get.

Anton Gabriel is the author of this article. He aims to inform common people of the several issues involved in Adverse Credit Unsecured Loans through his articles. To find Bad credit unsecured loans UK, bad credit history unsecured loans, Adverse credit unsecured loans, Unsecured personal loans visit http://www.adversecreditunsecuredloans.co.ukAdrien Blog60710
Alli Blog34799

Way to Earn Extra Money Without Getting a Second Job

Many times, people want to earn a little extra money, but dont want to have to get a second job. The truth is, there are quite a few ways to earn extra money, and many of them dont even require you to leave the house! Here are a few ways you can easily earn some extra money each month, with just a little time and effort:

Use eBay: If you go through your house, you can look for things you don't use or want anymore, and sell it on eBay. Also, if you do any crafts, or make something others might like, you can sell that as well. You dont even have to leave your house except to ship the item, and it can be done any time of day or night.

Have a yard sale: Usually these are held on weekends, but you can get rid of anything you dont want or need anymore, and make some quick money.

Answer Surveys: There are many companies out there that are willing to pay you in cash or prizes to fill out surveys on the web. They can be filled out at your convenience, and you can end up getting a decent amount of money for it. While some only pay a little bit, other surveys are willing to pay a lot more!

Mystery Shop: There are also many companies out there that will let you do mystery shopping. Here you will go to a store or restaurant and pose as a regular customer, but you will take a look around and watch how the store is run, and how the employees are. You will not only sometimes get a meal or product for free, but you will also end up getting paid as well. Its not a way to make a huge amount of money, but its great to end up with a little extra cash, or a free meal every now and then.

As you can see, there are many ways to earn extra money without getting a second job. The best part is that most of these can be done on your own schedule, without having to set certain hours. While they will not bring in as much as your first income, they will definitely help pay the bills, or give you some extra money for whatever you need it for.

Jessica Mele has been researching ways to help people save money without changing their lifestyles. Check out http://www.dreamlinesavings.com for more ways to save money easily, and to find great deals without doing any of the work. You can also find Survey and Mystery Shopping companies on the site as well.Ameline Blog63413
Amandie Blog77646

Why Outsource in India: A Country Full Of Talented Professionals

The majority of the business organizations and companies these days are now opting for the more profitable and highly productive strategy that is outsourcing. The outsourcing industry these days is rapidly growing. The main reason for this is because outsourcing can provide business organizations and companies with an economical way of getting their business processes done. And for that reason, outsourcing is now the latest trend among the high-profile businesses these days.

Some of companies in the United States, Canada and in European countries are now outsourcing some of their business processes to developing countries, like India. Considered as one of the largest outsourcing centers of today, lots of business organizations and companies outsource their business process to India mainly because of its low labor cost.

The country is known to have lots of skilled IT professionals who are looking for employment in outsourcing firms and companies that accept outsourced tasks. These individuals are very proficient and they are able to produce good quality solutions and products that are comparable to the works of an IT professional in developed countries.

An good example for this would be the help desks service. As a company that offers goods and services, in order for the particular company to stay ahead or at least be competitive enough, that particular company must have a help desk department to communicate with its clients and to provide solution to the inquiries, complaints of the clients.

If a particular business organization or company will set up an in-house help desk department, it would require a considerable amount of money. That particular company must purchase lots of technological gadgetry, hardware, software and all of the things that are needed so that the help desk department will run effectively and efficiently. The company must also employ additional personnel for the department along with full company benefits to act as help desk agents.

But if that particular business organization or company opts to outsource a help desk to one of the numerous call centers of India, the company wont have to worry about purchasing computers, software and hiring employees. That is because all of the call centers in India the essential hardware and software that are needed in a help desk center not to mention the relatively low cost of service.

Therefore, if you opt to outsource some of your business processes, such as employee payrolls, software manufacturing, help desk services, you might want to consider India as one of the countries to look for an outsourcing firm or company.

Dirk Blurd is writer and owner of http://www.outsourcingfaqs.com. Learn about why outsourcing solutions makes the most sense when running a business. Discover the path to success with BPO.Alyce Blog12872
Allie Blog69897

What Is The Best Way To Select An Affiliate Program?

Selling products and services through the Internet is unquestionably easier and much more rewarding compared to traditional marketing methods. The fact that there are millions of people worldwide logging online each day and there is an enormous possibility for any merchant to sell his or her products and generate huge income.

However, marketers are not the only ones who can benefit from online selling. A booming industry nowadays, provides a tremendous opportunity as well to individuals as affiliate marketers. In affiliate marketing, an affiliate marketer doesnt need to have his own products and or services to sell. All he or she needs to do is to refer people to the merchants business site for them to buy the products and thereby, receive a commission.

The major factor to an affiliate marketers success is to choose a good affiliate program and to employ proven marketing techniques in promoting or selling the products to consumers. Why select just the good and not the best affiliate program? The reason is that no one affiliate program is the best affiliate marketing program, as one program might make one affiliate marketer a millionaire and the other a frustrated marketer. In other words, any affiliate marketing program can be a success to one and a failure to another. But there are many good affiliate marketing programs to start with. How to make it the best depends on you.

But before you think how you are going to make it the best and financially rewarding, first think about how you are going to land on a good affiliate program with the thousands of affiliate marketing opportunities going live on the Internet today. Review the following tips and suggestions on how to best select the affiliate program thats right for you.

This is the information you must have in order to make the right choice. It is helpful when you have already focused your search to a specific interest or niche market, which may also be the theme of your website (if you already have one). In this way, you would be able to direct yourself towards a program that really matches your needs, wants and resources. It would be easier for you to eliminate options that are not suited to your own criteria for a good affiliate marketing program. You should join affiliate forums for some tips, tricks and techniques and get suggestions from experienced affiliate marketers. However, make sure that you weigh all of their ideas before you buy into them.

The Internet Affiliate marketing program networks are good places to look for choices. Here, merchants and affiliate marketers like you meet. The merchants advertise their affiliate programs to interested affiliates who sign up in the network for free. Third party affiliate program networks are helpful since they provide you with access to a large number of advertisers (merchandisers) simultaneously. You can easily track and compare their sales records, performances, benefits, products and services.

So now you have choices, the next question is among all theses options, which program is the right one for you. Consider these things when deciding which programs to take and which programs to reject.

First, what is the quality of the products and services? As a professional affiliate marketer your goal is not only to make visitors of your site click the link to the business site; but more importantly, to promote the product so they would buy it. If your customers are not convinced when they visit the business site and place an order, you dont earn a commission. Make sure the products you are endorsing are worthwhile. Ask yourself this: if I were the customer, would I buy it? Would I recommend it to my family or good friend? If you cant convince yourself or your family and friends to buy it, take a look at your next option.

Second, check into the affiliate program or the merchandisers history. Review their previous and present sales data, their proven and tested affiliate marketing systems and their partners experiences with them. Although, success of the program really depends on the individual, this one is still very important. The sales records will not only show how good the affiliates are, but they speak about the products reliability, market availability and the company or the merchandisers reputation as well. Be sure to look into and carefully study the companys compensation plan. Your purpose for joining the program is to earn money, so make sure youll be paid fairly for all your efforts.

Be sure to check if the merchandiser provides banners, graphics and articles. Only select affiliate programs that provide these for your web site because if they don't, you will have to create them on your own. It is a major plus if the company provides training on how to effectively market their products online. Don't forget, affiliate marketing is a partnership, so make sure your partner is able to support you as you help them promote their products and services.

Take down all the advantages and disadvantages of each program you are considering so you can clearly see the difference among your options; then compare the advantages of the programs with your own checklist. Take time to gather all the information you need to choose the right program. Remember an informed choice is your best choice.

Vinnie Gallagher is the author, webmaster of http://www.AffiliateMarketingInsights.com a great resource website with Affiliate related articles, tips, advice and so much more.Agneta Blog96078
Alayne Blog79216

How And When To Teach Your Kids About Money

As a child, money seems to somehow grow on trees as mum and dad always appear to have money to buy things.

Even though this is clearly not the case, its unfortunately the perception of children who live in a very consumer oriented world.

Rather than letting your child grow up thinking that money comes easily, you need to institute some form of education that teaches them how to understand and use money wisely.

Teach them young and they will carry forward that knowledge and live a better financial life. Heres a few tips how :

From ages 3 - 7

1. Show them the value of money by explaining what $2 can and can't buy. It may be an idea to do this whilst walking down the super market aisle or toy aisle (if you are game!).

2. Let them watch you pay for things. You may even start by letting them hand over the cash or pressing the OK button on the ATM.

3. Do not give them notes. Pay their pocket money in coins as your children need to understand how to allocate their money.

4. Show them how to visualise their goals. Get them to draw what they want to save up for. Keep the goals realistic otherwise they will very quickly lose interest.

What they learn -

Different things have different values.
Money simply doesn't grow on trees and that you have to work for your money.
You have to allocate your money for different things

From ages 7 - 12

1. Encourage them to participate in the school banking programme. This will give them a sense of regular commitment to savings.

2. Get them interested in looking at their bank statements and following how much money they are saving. This will get them used to scanning banking paperwork.

3. Get them to start thinking of a long term saving goal and work out how long it will take them to reach that goal.

4. Give them a combination of notes and coins for their pocket money. This will really strengthen their allocation abilities and efficient usage of spare change.

5. Start showing them the family bills and explain positively that the bills have to be paid to keep the family going.

What they will learn
Saving is a planned activity and something that needs a bit of thought rather that just putting away what's left over.
The value of small change
It takes a fair bit of money and good money management skills to keep a roof over their head.

For Teenagers

1. Encourage them to set up their own bank account and use internet banking.

2. Direct debit their pocket money into their account. This will get them used to dealing with intangible payments, and that electronic money is not just a set of numbers.

3. Make them responsible for their own bills such as mobiles. This is a very quick way to teach them how to spend wisely.

4. Try not to lend money to them for purchases that are of an extravagant nature. If they really want it, encourage them to get a part time job to save up enough. If you do loan money to them, do so only on the grounds that you will reduce the amount of their pocket money until the loan is paid.

5. Charge them board if they have a part time job - this will start getting them into the habit of paying their way for things they take for granted - like food and shelter!!

6. Introduce them to the concept of return on investment. Show them the value of putting some of their money into high interest savings accounts or even into managed investments.

7. Highlight the fact that if they start now they will be so much better off down the track.

What they learn

Not only will they learn more modern and more efficient banking techniques they will also learn how to curb their wants, or find ways to earn rather than going into debt for something that is not totally necessary.

It takes money to create money.

Greg R Smith is money expert from Australia who is recognized for his gift to translate the often complex money world into simple over the kitchen table language. He is a qualified financial planner with over 20 years experience and is also a best selling an author, TV presenter, columnist, public speaker and radio presenter. He is also the inventor of a revolutionary money box that will change the way children learn about money forever - visit http://www.moneyedbox.com for more.Alli Blog79971
Allie Blog69897

Orlando Top Ten Tips On Making The Most Of The Attractions

TIP 1 -- Plan ahead. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to arrive in Orlando and not have any idea what you plan to do. It's best to spend some fun time with the family at home and plan your vacation agenda. More than likely you won't stick completely to your plan when you get there but try to use it as a guide.Work out how many day's you'd hope to spend at each attraction and decide which attraction's you want to see.Doing this will insure that you don't run out of day's and maybe not have any time left to visit the one you hoped to visit before you leave. Remember: Orlando is a big place so you'll not get to do everything in one visit so choose carefully.

TIP 2 -- Start Early. You'll want to get as much out of your day when you visit the park's. Go to bed not to late so you can wake up early to get started. Have a large buffet breakfast which are very reasonable in Orlando which will help you get going. This will save you time and money when you get in the park as the price's are more expensive there. Remember: No matter what time you arrive at the park it's still considered one admission unless your using a hopper pass or the like so get there early and get your money's worth.

TIP 3 -- Do The Reverse. Most people when they get to the theme parks head in one direction.For example they may all walk round the park clockwise or anti-clockwise depending on which park it is.You'll soon realise when you get there.A great tip is to do the opposite and walk the other way.This means all the rides that most people will be finishing their day on will be the one's you start of with.You'll find that they are not as busy so there won't be as much waiting involved.Another way to beat the queue's is to do the ride's when the parade's are on if you don't mind missing them.Remember: It can get quite hot in the queue's so to avoid dehydration drink plenty of water and if possible bring your own as it can be quite expensive buying it there. Also don't be put of by some of the waiting time sign's.You might find it say's 30 minute's wait time but you might find yourself walking straight on.

TIP 4 -- Pick Your Spot . At the end of each day at many of the parks you'll be presented with a stunning fireworks and lazer display. Trying to get a good spot to see the show can sometimes be difficult.If your happy that you've seen as much of the park that you want to then it's a good idea to pick a good spot maybe an hour before the display starts.This might seem like a waste of time just waiting for things to begin but it is a very relaxing and stress free time to unwind from the busy day you've just had.For example - a great place to see the Illumination's Reflections of Earth show at Epcot is to go to The Rose And Crown bar in the world showcase section of the park.Her you can have a beer and sit in comfort and watch the show. Remember: After the evening fireworks are over most people tend to leave the park so be prepared for a slow walk to the main gates.

TIP 5 -- Speak With Your Tour Rep On Arrival. When you first arrive at your hotel after a long flight it can be a bit daunting trying to take in all what's ahead of you. This is even more so if it's your first visit to Orlando. Usually you will be given the chance to meet up with your travel company's tour rep. Normally this would be first thing the following morning depending on your arrival time.Frequent visitors may decline this invitation but it is always useful no matter how many times you visit. During the meeting your rep will answer any questions that you may have.They will be able to give you a general layout of the area and supply you with maps.You will also be given the opportunity to purchase tickets. At 'Stop Orlando' we recommend that you buy your ticket's before you leave as this gives you more time to plan your trip. Buying them from your tour rep dosn't give you much time to decide which ticket's you require and you may be put on the spot and purchase ticket's which you didn't really want.If your not planning on going to themeparks or attractions every day then buying from your rep might suit you but if your planning on filling your complete vacation with eventful days at the parks then plan ahead. Remember: If your tour rep can't answer any questions you may have then they will probably be able to find it out for you in a small space of time.Don't be afraid to ask anything you like no matter how stupid it may sound.They are there to help.

TIP 6 -- Use Your First Day Wisely . Now this tip might not be to everyones taste but it can be a blessing in disguise.It's very tempting after your plane touches down in Orlando to go running out of the airport and dive straight into one of the many themeparks.You leave your bags unpacked in your hotel room and worry about unpacking them the next day. This might be ok for people that don't have to far to travel and may be full of energy and are raring to go when they arrive but like the majority of tourists in Orlando you have probably had one hell of a day travelling. The best thing you can do is take it slightly easier the first day.Firstly get your suit case unpacked.This will only take you twenty minutes.You don't want to be trying to do this on your second day before you hit the parks.If you arrived on a late flight leave it till the morning.On your first full day in Orlando don't be getting up at sunrise to to rush down to Disney or wherever.What you want to do is have a relaxing breakfast. Tour International Drive and experience the many exciting and fun activities you can do there. Finish of your first day by trying one of the many amazing restaurants near your hotel. Have a night cap then go to bed. You'll wake up the next morning feeling like you've had the best night's sleep ever. All that travelling will be well out of your system and you'll now be ready to spend the next 13 day's going crazy in the park's. Remember: Try to give yourself some time to explore the smaller attractions throughout Orlando.You'll be surprised at how many there are - some of which you may not have heard of.

TIP 7 -- U.S Travellers Cheques. This one is aimed mainly at visitors outside the U.S. When getting your currency before you go you'll probably want to take travellers cheques rather than cash. Instead of buying your cheques in the currency of your home country you would be better buying them in U.S dollars format. This way you'll be able to use them the same way you would use cash. For Example - If you take your travellers cheques in say U.K sterling ,you'll have to find a place that will exchange them for U.S dollars.This will happen every time you want to use them.Not only will you have this hassle of getting them changed to dollars but you will also more than likely have to pay a commision fee to the exchanger.On the other hand if you bring your cheques in U.S dollars (which you can get before you leave) you will be able to spend them like cash in almost all the shops and attractions throughout Orlando.You will even be given change in U.S cash. Remember: You will probably be asked for I.D when spending your cheques so don't forget to take it with you when your out.It's a good idea to take a small bit of cash with you for your first day as this can be useful for your trip from the airport to your hotel for the likes of beverage's or a newspaper or the toll roads if your hiring a car.

TIP 8 -- Use The I-Ride Trolly System . Getting arround International Drive couldn't be easier. The I-Ride is a tram like bus service that runs the full length of International Drive. You can get on and off anywhere along the route for the one of price of $1. Children under 12 ride free if accompanied by an adult.They arrive every 20 minutes so you won't have to wait long to catch one.If your planning on using the system regularly then we'd reccomend buying a pass which range from 1 day at $3 to a 14 day pass at $16. Remember: You'll need to have the right change on boarding one of the trams as they don't give change.This isn't so bad as you can get rid of all your build up of quarters and dimes that you'll aquire over your stay.You know the change you always come home with that you won't be able to exchange anyway.

TIP 9 -- Use The Vouchers .Make sure you pick up and use the many voucher books you'll find throughout Orlando.You can pick them up virtually anywhere.In these books you'll discover vouchers for discounts on a lot of the smaller attractions plus many 2 for 1 offers. There'll be plenty of vouchers for shopping and you'll be able to save plenty on dining out aswell. Remember: Vouchers are there for a reason so don't feel embarrassed about using them.We all love a bargain don't we.

TIP 10 -- Do Something Different .We all go home from Orlando with many happy memories that will last with us forever. You'll be able to tell all those folks at home all about the many rides and thrills you experienced during your stay ,but if you really want to amaze them then do something different.Everyone knows about the theme parks and the fabulous shopping etc but why not do one thing that most people never do when they visit Orlando.For Example - Take an airboat ride through deep swamps surrounded by alligators or go deep see diving or maybe see Orlando from the sky in a helicopter tour .Remember: Your tour guide on arrival will be able to help you arrange these activities when you arrive.There is an option to do the airboat ride combined with a trip to Kennedy Space Center which is available as a coach trip from many hotels.

This information is provided by http://WWW.STOPORLANDO.COM.

Neil StewartAllis Blog95767
Aurilia Blog88629

Poor Credit Personal Loan

You could need a personal loan for any reasonto pay medical or college bills, buy or repair your home, buy a car or household gadgets, or finance a vacation or a small business. It is easiest getting a personal loan when you have steady employment and a good credit recordyou can then easily get a loan from your bank. It is not so easy getting a personal loan when you are self-employed, have little or no property to your name, or have just graduated from college. You are considered a bad credit risk. It is most difficult getting a personal loan when you have already been through a bankruptcy, foreclosure, or repossession caseyou are considered a very poor credit risk indeed.

This is where our service at Allworldprivatefunding comes in. We provide a forum for private creditors and borrowers from the world over to get together and find ways to help each other. There are many people all over the world who have been through difficult times, have overcome their difficulties spectacularly, and would now like to help people with their money and advice. There are others who are working and have some savings which they would like to use to make a positive and personal impact on someones life. People who ask for loans on our site may have lost their homes in a natural disaster, lost their businesses due to a sluggish economy, or might be setting up a small business after being made redundant. Our creditors and borrowers could be from any part of the world and from any professional background.

If you have problems with poor credit, and you need a personal loan, you should register on our site and make your loan request. You should tell potential lenders about yourself and why you need the money. Tell them how you make a living and where you liveyou never know who will read your loan request and respond. You may get offers of a loan within a day, a week, or a month.

If you are a lender and you have read about someone who has poor credit but needs a personal loan, make a note of the loan request code number and send it to us with your contact details. We will send your offer to the concerned person and they will contact you.

If you want to help people with a private loan, or you have a problem with poor credit and need a personal loan, register with us at http://Allworldprivatefunding.com.

Lisa London is a well known author and has been writing content for http://allworldprivatefunding.com an Online Loans, Personal Loans, Bad credit Loans, Unsecured Loans for so many years. His content is worth reading as it gives you an insight about different aspects of Loans, Personal Loans, Bad credit Loans, Unsecured Loans For more information visit http://www.allworldprivatefunding.comAngelita Blog25212
Antonietta Blog35642

Adventures in Wally (cash) World

I went to walmart 2 nights ago and had a very fun experience. I was going there for a chocolate cake. Cash in hand and ready to rock. That is it. Chocolate cake. Then....my wife calls me and asks me to check her friend's bridal registry and get a bed set for her that is on her list. So, I automatically start drooling and doing the duuuuuuhhh thing.

Since it is midnight, I ask a cashier where the registry "machine" thing is. She tells me go to the customer service desk and ask. Well, I go over there and stand for 10 minutes and assume it is closed. So after feeling like a total nutcase for 10 minutes, a cleaning guy comes by and says, "they are closed". So obviously smoke starts to come out of my ears. I go to another cashier and ask again and she tells me it is by the jewelry counter! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

I walk over to the counter and find the registry and put in the info and wait for the list to print. Paper gets stuck. I pull it out and it doesnt print so i have to do it again. As I wait for the 1 page I think is printing, it spits out 8 pages! It also takes at least 30 seconds to print each one! I get the pages and then I have to go find this stupid bed set.

I am in a pair of shorts with no pockets and I am holding my keys, wallet, cell and this encyclopedia of a bridal registry. I go across the store (about 2 miles I guess) and search for this bed set. I get to the bed section and of course I have an item # and name for it but no clue whatsoever what it looks like! I start rummaging through the bed sets (3 aisles of them) and I finally find it. I have already been in wally world for 45 minutes by the way. I find it and now have cell phone, keys, wallet, bed set (with handle woohoo), and my wife calls and tells me we need trash bags.

So, I find the aisle marked trash bags and it is about a mile south from where the bedding was. I go into to the aisle with all of this crap I am carrying and guess what?! No trash bags. I then proceed to find a stocker and ask him where trash bags are. He says, "aisle 13". Guess where aisle 13 is? A mile north next to the bedding section!!!!! So I head to aisle 13 and the aisle is blocked so I have to walk half a block to get down the other side to get trash bags.Finally, carrying trash bags, bed set, keys, wallet, and cell I come across a stray cart.

Felt like I just had 100 PIPS sign-ups just fell from the sky! It was sweeeeeeet! Put everything in the cart and started to push and a freaking rock is jammed in the front wheel! I wrestle the rock out and then of course and opposite wheel wobbles. I did not care if it had 2 wheels and a dog house dragging from it...myself and this cart were getting out of this prison no matter what.

I head toward check out and forgot the chocolate cake! No reason to go home if I don't have the chocolate cake. I would be homeless. Remember that is the reason I went there in the first place. Isn't that funny? HAHA. You laugh at my pain. So, I go to get the cake and there it is. I have never seen a more beautiful cake in my life. I pick it up and........drop it. No harm no foul. I flip it over and grab another just like it and grab a case of pop on the way to the register.

Since it is now almost 1 AM, they are cleaning the floors and have a little aisle roped off that you are supposed to get a wobbly cart through. It is about 12" wide and I knock over a stand that they had the rope tied to. I pick that up and finally get to check out. Scan everything run my credit card and TA DA! Finished! Wrong!!!

I look at my receipt and was charged for 2 cases of pop instead of 1. At $4.98 a case that is a good deal but I am not giving away 5 bucks to a multi-billion dollar company. I turn to look for the cashier and *poof* she is gone. Must be related to Copperfield I thought. So, I track her down and she says I can wait for someone to come up and credit my card or grab another case of pop. So knowing how fast I could be at grabbing another case, I took option B. I go to grab a case and the cashier tells the night manager and she OK's it. I grab a case and head for the door like a kid running for the Christmas tree on Christmas morn.

I get to the door and I get stopped and have to show my receipt. They can't help you with anything or have things were they are supposed to be, but hey they know if you grab something. I explain it to him, he sees it on my receipt, but he has to confirm it with the manager!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! If I wasn't a humble person, you all would have seen me on Fox news as the man on a rampage in Walmart tearing the store apart.He comes back 5 minutes (not kidding) later. Lets me go. I walk out a free man!

It is now almost 1:30 AM and I cannot find my car. I have been in that !#@$%!$ store for an hour and a half and forgot 3/4 of my life in that time span. I get to my car and load up. As I go to close the trunk, I drop the bag holding the cake that I was going to put in the front with me so I did not smash it! I grab the cake which made it through with very minor lacerations and take off like a man buying crap for his wife in Walmart. I get home and vow to never go to Walmart again. (Went back yesterday for veggies).

Murphy's Law my butt!
Walmart's Law now baby!

The moral to this story? Don't give up until you have your cake and eat it to!

Doug GormanAndra Blog96444
Anabelle Blog58945

Make Money Growing Plants

It doesn't matter where you live, if you have a small area that you can use for planting, you can make money growing small plants at home! You can actually make excellent money on an area that is only 30 by 40 feet. You will be amazed at how much money you can make if you have an area of this size to work with.

Even if you live in an apartment, a tiny nursery can make good money and be very rewarding. This rewarding home business can work successfully for virtually anyone in any type of area. To learn more visit http://workathomewealth.blogspot.com/ or continue reading.

The market for plants is huge. Over four billion dollars last year alone, and the demand is tremendous. And you as a small grower have an advantage over the large grower because as a backyard grower you have virtually no overhead. Getting started with a backyard nursery costs almost nothing. All you have to do is root some cuttings and you're on your way. There are dozens of simple plant propagation techniques that are so easy that children could do them with great success!

Even if you don't know anything about plants, all you have to do is learn a little bit about one plant at a time. Once you've grown that plant from a cutting in your nursery you will be an expert on that plant. Then you can learn about a few more. It's much less complicated that some people would like you to believe.

You can start in an area about the size of a picnic table! If you root your cuttings in flats that are about 12x15 inches, you can get around 100 and 150 cuttings per flat. In an area about the size of a picnic table you should be able to root several thousand cuttings!

As soon as your cuttings are well rooted, they can be sold immediately! A rooted cutting is typically worth about 50 cents. If you have 1500 cuttings at 50 cents each, that is $750.! This should get you thinking about the tremendous income possibilities that a small backyard nursery can provide.

A backyard nursery is one of the most fun and rewarding businesses that you can be involved in. You can learn as you go, it costs very little to get started and the rewards both personally and monetarily can be quite high. It's really much easier than you think!

Julie Jones is a successful work at home mom. To learn more about making money growing plants as well as other work at home secrets visit Julies website at http://workathomewealth.blogspot.com/.Atlanta Blog83706
Alysa Blog80769

Is It Really Possible To Make Money For Free Online? Yes It Is!

Many people out there struggle to make money online through affiliate schemes and MLM etc. This is a fact, it is something that none of us can deny. It seems that the people who make the most money have plenty of money to advertise through Google Adwords etc. For those of us who cannot afford to promote our websites this way we are left trying to scrape up visitors and convert them into sales. In this article, I am going to teach you why you should swap from affiliate marketing to a new form of money making that is just starting online. The program I am going to tell you about today is called Edownline. By the end of this article you will realise that it is possible to make money online without spending much money and that affiliate advertising is not the only way to make money.

EDownline -

EDownline is a great new website where you earn money for completing offers, viewing websites and refering others. Membership to EDownline is free and it is a great way to earn money online. Currently, EDownline is in pre launch as it needs 20,000 members before it can function properly. However, you can still sign up for free and refer others (if those referals then purchase a platinum membership which costs money you get a commision on this) Refering people is also easy especially as EDownline is currently giving away free gold memberships and standard memberships are also free. Remember, they key to making money for free online is to refer people to websites they do not have to pay for (EDownline meets this profile perfectly) Another great thing about EDownline is the site's payment options. Rather than being sent a check in the post you can get paid through your choice of online payment processors (Paypal, AlertPay, StormPay etc) This means you get your money quicker and you can cash out more easily.

What are the benefits of getting a gold or platinum account?

The benefits of signing up for a gold account (currently free if you sign up before the 20,000 member mark is reached) or a platinum account are massive. Firstly, in both account types you earn far more than standard members for viewing websites etc. The biggest benefit for gold and platinum (especially platinum members) is that you earn extra money for every referral that you make. This means that referring people suddenly becomes a very profitable business because you earn more money. Also, gold and platinum members have access to a download database that includes website submission software, ebooks on increasing your profits and great scripts for your website. If you want to make the most possible on EDownline then you really do need a gold or platinum account, with a platinum account being the best way to make money.

So how much can you earn off EDownline?

This depends, for those of you who will just take offers and view websites then you can earn between $5-100 depending on how much time you spend on EDownline. However, the real money is in refering people to EDownline so you can earn even more money. By doing this you can earn good money and also it is easy to refer people as a standard account is free (gold accounts are free at the moment as well) EDownline are adding an additional service that they claim will make you large amounts of money but this service is yet to begin until 2007 so keep a look our for that.

If you would like to know more about EDownline then please visit my "EDownline Information Page" at http://emoney.110mb.com/edownline.htm

If you would like to sign up to EDownline for free then please visit http://emoney.110mb.com/edownlinesignup.html (remember, if you sign up before the 20,000 member mark you get a free gold account, a $50 value)

I hope after reading this article you have realised that it is possible to make money online for free. I hope that you have also realised that there are alternatives to the often difficult business of affiliate marketing.

IMPORTANT - You may redistribute this article as you see fit, you may even charge for it. However, you MUST retain the links featured in this article and the information box below.

This article was written by Sam Frost, the administrator of e-Money. If you would like to find out about the best scam-free ways to make money online for free then please visit http://emoney.110mb.comAdel Blog53568
Ardra Blog66532

A Hard Look at PPC, Click Fraud and the Alternatives

With the creation of the Overture and Google Adwords systems, many webmasters believed they had finally hit the mother lode. It was no longer necessary for small online businesses to invest large amounts of money into Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services to gain high search rankings in the natural search results.

Even webmasters committed to SEO campaigns began to realize its fleeting nature. Given frequent search engine algorithm changes, optimizing a website was no guarantee that in 6 months or less it wouldn't be back to square one and page twenty of the search results.


With the advent of the PPCSE model created by Overture, and followed by Google Adwords, webmasters felt like they had finally found the level playing field that everyone talks about. Hiring a SEO company was no longer necessary to crack the top search engine results. A Page One placement could be purchased and often for far less than the cost of a SEO company's services.

Webmasters discovered that they could get traffic to their website for as little as one cent per click.

Pay-per-click, however, has evolved over the last 5 years and not to the benefit of most webmasters. Although five cents is currently the average starting bid price at most major search engines, many sought after keyword terms can cost as much as $30 - $50 per click. Given the increasingly competitive nature of PPC advertising and spiralling costs, many small- to medium- sized businesses today might be better served hiring a good SEO company to search optimize their websites.


There are four types of people who click on pay-per-click ads. Knowing who these people are helps explain why experts keep telling us that 20% to 25% of all clicks on PPC listings are "fraudulent clicks".

Personality Type #1: True-Blue Prospects

These are the people for whom you have placed your pay-per-click ads. They see your advertisement; they like what they see; and they click your link to see if you can actually serve their needs.

Personality Type #2: Accidental Clickers

Every once in a while, even my finger misfires, and I click an advertisement that I did not intend on clicking. My first thought is usually, "Oh no...", and my first action is to find the back button.

I didn't mean to cost that person money by clicking his advertisement... but I did. It was an accident. Now, the advertiser has to pay for my mistake. That bites.

Personality Type #3: Jealous Competitors

I would like to think that all of my, and your, competitors are fine, upstanding people. And most of them are. But, there are some who are not, and they click on pay-per-click links just to be spiteful or just to cost their business rivals a few dollars.

Believe it or not, a good percentage of "fraudulent clicks" are believed to be clicks perpetrated by people against their competitors.

Personality Type #4: True-Blue Fraudsters

Not that long ago pay-per-click providers realized that there was tremendous opportunity in offering small website owners a method for cashing in on their limited traffic.

Today, a webmaster can go to any number of pay-per-click services, add a small piece of code to a webpage and start serving paid advertising the same day. Webmasters thus become revenue share partners with the PPC provider, splitting revenues with the PPC provider for each click.

Ethical webmasters, of course, put the needs of their advertisers first and focus on putting eyeballs on their website so that visitors can click on the advertising links.

But, the word "ethical" doesn't exist in the vocabulary of some webmasters. These are the "true-blue fraudsters" who believe in making "revenue at any cost... no matter who might be hurt by their actions." They devise schemes to have their own ads clicked in order to drive up their revenue share.

These webmasters, although a minority, are responsible for the vast majority of fraudulent clicks. And, they are the same people that should be taken out behind the barn, for a good old-fashioned flogging --- one lashing for each stolen dollar would be fine with me.


If the experts are correct in estimating that 25% of all clicks are fraudulent, then you are paying out 33% more than you should have to pay to get your business.

If you are converting PPCSE clicks-to-sales at a rate of $20 per transaction, then you should be aware that your actual conversion rate for non-PPCSE advertising would cost you an average of $15 per transaction. By escaping the pay-per-click search engine model, you could in effect make an additional $5 per transaction by cutting the fraud out of your marketing budget.

Personally, I would rather not pay the pay-per-click mafia the $5 a transaction that they are exacting against pay-per-click advertisers.


I have always gained the best bang for my buck with pay-for-placement advertising. In a nutshell, I pay a monthly, quarterly or yearly fee to have my advertising seen on various websites. Banner advertising is always an option, but text links provide better click-through rates (CTR's).

At any one time, you can find links to my websites on dozens of other websites.

Here are a few examples of pay-for-placement, often referred to as "paid inclusion", advertising networks:

ISEDN.org Network: ( http://www.ISEDN.org )

The Independent Search Engine and Directory Network (powered by ExactSeek.com) is comprised of more than 200 specialty search engines, search directories and article directories. Through their system, you can buy quarterly or yearly top ten exposure (http://www.exactseek.com/featured_listings.html) for specific keyword phrases which are then shown through the ISEDN's 200 plus member websites. Their network claims to show paid inclusion ads 150 million times per month.

Pricing starts at $4 per month per keyword phrase and goes down according to the number of keyword phrases purchased. Quarterly and yearly rates for one keyword phrase are $12 and $36, respectively.

BraveNet.com Home Page Featured Advertiser Listing: http://www.adbrite.com/mb/commerce/purchase_form.php?zone_id=8181 4

BraveNet is the number one provider of free web tools in the world and through their AdBrite sales page you can purchase a 30 day text advertisement at the bottom of the Bravenet home page for $1500 or a 3 month advertisement for $3500. According to the Bravenet Media Kit ( http://www.bravenetmedianetwork.com/mediakit.php ), their network serves 500 million page views per month.

ColdFront Network: ( http://www.coldfront.net/index.php/content/view/100/50/ )

ColdFront serves the Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPG) communities. With 150,000 unique visits and 12 million page views per month, they provide real advertising value, if your target market happens to be in this area. Paid inclusion can be purchased for $250 to $350 per month.


We put locks and deadbolts on our doors. In some localities, we put bars on our windows. We keep our valuables in safes. We keep our cars locked when we are not in them. We are a nation obsessed with protecting our valuables.

And yet, when we advertise our online businesses, we seem to be willing to let PPCSE providers steal 25% of our advertising budget? It boggles the mind.

Personally, I am done with PPCSE companies until they can assure me that my advertising dollars are protected from click fraud.

I have always relied on my own search engine optimization skills to strengthen my natural search results. And frankly, I am pretty good at it.

And, to supplement my own SEO efforts and organic search result placement sucesses, or lack thereof, paid inclusion currently offers me the best value for my money.

Bill Platt is the owner of http://thePhantomWriters.com Article Distribution Service. Through his system, you can have your Free Reprint Articles sent to thousands of publishers and webmasters looking for good quality content. If you need someone to write articles for you, Bill's writers can create interesting articles on most any topic. If you would like to talk to Bill personally about his services, you can reach him from 9:30am to 6pm CST at: (405) 780-7745. Annette Blog30076
Almira Blog82432

Heat Pumps

Using a heat pump may save on energy cost in your home. Here are a few things that will help you decide if a heat pump (or HVAC System) is right for your home.

Comfort is what makes a house a home. Comfort is the largest consideration in all homes. Therefore, keeping your home at the desired temperature will improve your comfort level. Heat Pump Systems are a great way to save energy, money and will guarantee your home a greater comfort.

Heat Pumps are air conditioning systems that heat and cool your home, also known as HVAC Systems. HVAC Systems use electric energy to move the pre-existing heat. Believe it or not in cold weather there are still traces of heat. A heat pump takes the heat from the cold weather and pumps it into your home. In the heat of the summer an HVAC System acts as a conventional air conditioner by taking the heat from your home and pushing it outside and blowing cold air in. Heat pumps are also considered smart purchases because they filter and dehumidify your home.

The installation of a Heating System may come across as costly, but once installed, your new HVAC System will only save you energy and money. Heat Pumps produce twice the amount of heat with the same amount of energy that a less expensive and ordinary HVAC System will provide. Comparing costs is a great way to ease your mind when making a purchase; therefore, we have listed a chart below that allows you to see the savings.

Tiffany Visnon works with Air Conditioner, Heat Pump, and Air Handler supplier, ACSystemsnow.com. ACSystemsnow.com specializes in selling Air Conditioners, Heat Pumps, Air Handlers, and Electronic Thermostats directly to homeowners. Learn more at http://www.acsystemsnow.com. Aurelie Blog4731
Ailey Blog57895

Public Speaking - The Money's in the Template

The best public speakers in the world all agree on one thing. You cant get good at public speaking without practice. Thats where some public speaking training seminars fail in teaching people how to do successful presentations. Lecturing someone on how to do a presentation will not make a student learn any faster. If you learn by doing, you'll achieve much higher results!

After several years of public speaking engagements, teaching seminars and performing piano music for worldwide audiences, I woke up one day and realized I didnt know the first thing about public speaking. That seems like an odd thing to say but its true. How did I know I wasnt any good at it? Because, I didnt "feel" successful at it.

Then, as luck would have, I reluctantly and skeptically attended a seminar my wife dragged me too. I thought to myself, Ive been doing this forever and I dont need to learn anything. But, I went anyway. And boy, am I ever glad I did. For the first time in my life I witnessed a public speaking genius at work. This man was truly amazing. He had every one of the 2,000 people in that audience on the edge of their seats for three entire days!

That was the turning point for me. At that seminar I realize why I didn't feel like a successful speaker. I resolved myself to learn everything I could about being successful, not only as a public speaker but as a concert performer. And, overnight I went from being a know-it-all to a learn-it-all. I decided to invest in a seminar that promised to teach how to do successful public speaking presentations. Wow! It was even better than their first seminar. It was five entire days of learning, jamb packed with the most incredible public speaking knowledge imaginable.

What happened next is the truly amazing part! As soon as I got home I started incorporating my new found knowledge into my concert piano performances. The result? My audiences began to grow exponentially and my sales of CDs and DVDs went through the roof. Plus, my fee for performing grew to ten times what I was getting previously.

So, I took the knowledge and experience and began my own seminar business. I first started teaching what I knew and was successful at including how to increase your leads and sales through internet marketing, how to succeed in the niche music business, how to sell off the stage and the inner game of success.

What does this all mean for you? If I could use public speaking training to improve my sales, so can you!

The secret formula that I use for my public speaking presentations works great for keynote speeches, training seminars, sales presentations, live concerts, fundraising speeches, wedding speeches, board room presentations, employee motivation, employee training, pitching, team building, networking and virtually every other public speaking and presenting situation you can think of.

What is this amazing secret formula?


What does that mean exactly? Well, the vast majority of performers and public speakers are far too concerned about how they speak, about how they look, how they perform and how they sell themselves. This is 100% guaranteed to have less impact! In fact, if youre out there trying to sell yourself, think again, few will buy!

Based on my experience, once I started to make the audience the star I generated more audiences, more results, and more money. This was real world proof that the template works! At first using the template felt strange, because of course, the template felt unfamiliar and was very different than anything I had previously tried. But, after only a few engagements, I was able to merge my personality with the template.

With practice, the template began to feel natural and effortless. Now, I use the template for every type of presentation. In fact, I recently did a boardroom sales presentation for a corporation and walked out with a $20,000 deal. How did I do it? The TEMPLATE!

Here's where you can start. First be open to learning! Then learn the perfectly powerful speaker's template. Then learn by doing. It's that easy! Don't forget to make the audience the star and youll realize just how rewarding and profitable public speaking can be.

Paul Tobey give highly motivational public speaking training courses for professional speakers and business people who want to learn the right way to give public speaking presentations.Alla Blog78343
Alexandra Blog73509

Using Traffic Exchanges

One of the biggist obstacles you will encounter while trying to build your business is TRAFFIC. How are you going to get interested people to visit your site?

Well, there are many ways to get traffic to your site.Unfortunately many of them will cost a lot of money, if you are just starting out you are trying to make money not spend more. There are some good ways to get traffic to your site" free of charge ". You'll notice I wrote "free of charge". As you know by now that nothing in this world is FREE. You do have to pay a price for everything. In this case we are talking about free advertising. In free advertising you have to do all the leg work.

One of my favorite forms of free advertising is through Traffic Exchanges. There are literally tons of Free Traffic Exchanges to choose from. With Traffic Exchanges you add your URL to the site, and then you start to surf all the websites that are in their rotator. After a set number of sites that you surf your site will be added to the rotation, assuming that your site gets approved. Depending on how many exchanges you are using you can surf each exchange once a day or have a rotating schedule to surf a different exchange every day. You have to be careful here because you can easily overwhelm yourself . Get your feet wet first and have fun with it.

Traffic Exchanges do a couple of good things for you . One, they give you exposure to other peoples sites, Who are just like you trying to get traffic to their sites. You get a chance to visit lots of other sites and get good useful information, or ideas for other web sites you might want to start. I find useful information everytime I surf. If the traffic exchange you are using is high in the search engines than the more clicks you get on your site the quicker you will move up in that search engine. There are many ways to move up in search engines , this is just one that will help you in your quest

Most exchanges pay out for referrals, you can add a referral link from each exchange to different exchanges, This will build you a list of people and bring you some extra money. Some exchanges also have contests for surfing, winners can win credits, cash, or other prizes. The point is to just keep busy, keep surfing.

Traffic Exchanges are just one way of using free advertising is a lot of work that goes into using traffic exchanges. Like finding good ones, filling out all of your information, surfing the required amount of sites before yours gets into the rotation, and waiting the required 15,20,or 30 seconds that it takes for you to be able to click on for the next site. This sounds easy if you have one site and one exchange, Imagine the fun it would be to have six sites and use over 30 exchanges. Like I said Nothing in this world is free.

Always remember the more time and effort you put into your business the more money you will attract. Positive energy attracts positive energy, and negative energy attracts negative energy. This being said , it is very important to remember that you must always be positive in your business and build your business to help others. This will bring you moreprosperityy and happiness than you can imagine.

Until Next Time


Copyright © Frank Tello

Frank Tello is an Internet Marketer involved with various Affiliate Programs.Alicea Blog28598
Alessandra Blog27530

No Credit Check, No Paper Work, Get Instant Personal Loans Now

Financial urgency can pop up any time in your routine life. At the same time you cannot take out money from your savings to meet these urgencies. The only option feasible in this situation is taking a loan. But a loan approval process requires a considerable amount of time. However to fulfill your need of urgent cash for which you cannot wait, personal loans have the key. They can provide you instant cash and help you overcome your emergencies.

The financial market is crowded with wide-ranging variety of loans to suit your diverse needs. But the reason why you should go for personal loan is that they are available instantly and hence they are the most apt choice to solve the dilemma of urgent cash need. Another vital reason why instant personal loans are most preferred is that you do not need to tell the purpose of your loan. Personal loan lenders do not ask you for what use are you availing this loan.

Instant personal loans are readily accessible because they can be availed simply by applying online. The internet has made personal loans reach you within a very short time. There are so many lenders available on the internet that will approve your loan application in minutes and send you the loan money.

The application process for instant personal loans is very simple. You just need to submit some documents such as you identity proof, present employment details, contact details etc. and fill an online application form which will ask you for certain details about your credit history and financial position. After you submit the loan application, it will take just 30 minutes to 1 hour to approve the loan and within 24 hours the loan amount will be transferred to your bank account. To avail this loan, the most important thing you should remember that you must have a valid checking account in which your money will be deposited and after the term ends, the lender will automatically withdraw his money from that account.

You can avail instant personal loans with an amount ranging from 400 to 1000. Personal loans are short term loans so the repayment period of these loans usually last for one week to two weeks. However it can be extended with a prior notice to the lender and some extra fees.

Instant personal loans are available to all types of borrowers. So if you feel reluctant to ask for a loan if you have a bad credit, you need to relax. You can get personal loans easily despite having a bad credit. Most often personal loans lenders do not check for credit history while offering loan. So bad credit score does not hamper your opportunity to benefit instant personal loans.

With the introduction of so many loan products, personal loans still hold the ground. Its easy instant availability on the net has made it the most apt choice to fulfill your countless desires.

Peter Taylor is a senior financial analyst at PersonalLoans with an acumen for finance and insurance. In recent years he has taken up to provide independant financial advice through his informative articles. His articles are widely read because of the lucid manner of wriiting and thoroughly researched datas. To find secured loan, bad credit secured personal loan, instant personal loans, bad credit homeowner loan, bad credit loan, cheap secured loan that best suits your need visit http://www.personalloans.gb.netAnnmaria Blog62385
Alissa Blog70637

How To Finance A New Acura Dealer Purchase

Once you have decided on getting a new Acura, visit the manufacturers website for details on what is available and how to locate the dealers closest to your location. With this information you are ready to start getting quotes so that you can begin the process of financing your car.

There are a wide range of payment options that you can explore to find the one that best suits your circumstances. The main ones are:

Pay cash

This is a quick alternative, but not many persons are able to come up with the full payment price for a new car. If you pay for your car up-front, you may be able to get an even better deal. Also, ensure that your dealer gives you a good warranty.


This option allows the consumer to lease the car they want through a leasing company. Most choose a set period for the lease. This period is normally the length of the cars warranty. With is arrangement, the leasing company will buy the car and you pay an agreed upon monthly payment. Generally this monthly payment is less than if you take out a personal loan. Once the lease period is up, the consumer can either opt to purchase the car for themselves or go into another lease arrangement normally for a newer model vehicle. As an added bonus, some leasing arrangements take the hassle out of car maintenance as the leasing company is responsible for this.

A loan

Another popular financing option is taking out a personal loan from a bank, credit union or other financing agency. The consumer will need to make an agreed on monthly payment to the lending agency for the life of the loan. Once the loan is paid off, the car is yours.

Trade-in of your old car

Trading in a used car can also help with financing a new car as the funds obtained can be used to make the down payment. Some of these options are easier than others based on your credit rating.

Tracy AndrewsAdelind Blog23741
Annamaria Blog20187

How to Make Money Online Basic Principle by Azard Hosein

You would think in todays world making money online would be the simplest thing in the world, right? I mean you take something youre interested in, or a product you have to market, you create a website, buy some place to put the website and bang your making money, right?


Ok, i hear you say, but hang on the search engines will pick it up and traffic will come wont it? Well actually yes they will pick it up (if you submit it) but just because you are now on the web doesnt mean you are the next Amazon.com or intelliMarket.net. The fact is you need to be pro-active and drag people to your site by advertising in the right manner.

So why do you need traffic? & How do you get traffic to your site?

Well the fact is, and this is a secret you need to remember because everyday I am shocked as to how many people dont know this... The fact is there is a buyer for every product out there.

Thats right!

It doesnt matter what you sell or what service you provide, one of the billion plus people who use the internet every day is going to be interested. The trick is in finding enough of those one billion people who are interested to (a) get you to breakeven point & (b) make a sustainable profit that provides a good income from.

So how do you find people who are interested in your product?

You dont. (What!) i hear you say... but what happens is they find you. Ill say that again so you understand They find you!

Thats right you need to create an internet marketing network so that whenever someone types in for example internet marketing into a search engine, like Google, your results come up. Ill tell you now that you just wont do that by submitting one website to search engines the network you must create needs to be very wide and specific to your area of product or service.

The methods of forming this network are the subject of a different article but the point is so important that i have dedicated an entire article about it. I see far too many people falling down and giving up, not because they had a bad idea but because they didnt know how to bring traffic to their site.

Internet marketing is the essence of making money online. If anyone is reading this and is think about selling anything on the web my best advice is to learn how to market on the internet before anything else.

When you learn how to market on the internet you can take any product or service and make money online from it. The sea will get a lot smaller and you will be the fisherman with the largest net.

See you in the winners circle.

Azard Hosein is a successful Pilot, Author and Internet Marketer. Founder of the successful website http://www.intellimarket.net which shows people how to market properly on the internet. Azard now turns his attention to helping and mentoring people in setting up businesses online and making consistent incomes from online income streams.Alisa Blog1875
Ariel Blog80687

There Are Thousands Of Used Tractors To Choose From At Mascus Online

The world's largest dealer sales forecourt is open for business

You can buy anything online these days - and that includes used tractors. More and more companies in construction and agriculture are turning to the Internet to source anything from tractors and lawnmowers to excavators and harvesters. "The Net is the world's largest depot forecourt," says Robert Tate, UK and Ireland Regional Manager of Mascus, an online marketplace for used equipment.

Resistance to change always takes time to overcome. Customers still to want to kick the tires and cast a critical eye over the engine before making a significant investment in something like a tractor. According to Robert, their fears are unfounded. "The Internet is built on trust and transparency, the more honest information the seller provides, the more likely a buyer is to make an enquiry. The next time they will buy without viewing!"

Robert believes that buying a tractor on the Internet is little different to handing over cash in person, but with the added advantage of vast choice. "The common misconception people have before they go online is that they will have to make a blind purchase. This is simply not true," Robert argues. "Sellers can post up to six images on our site, as well as specs and their own comments. If potential buyers don't like what they see, there are plenty of other tractors to choose from." This is the key to the success of online marketplaces.

Mascus currently list over 2000 used tractors from all over Europe on its website, from those under 40 horsepower to heavyweights exceeding 200hp. All the major brands are there, including John Deere, New Holland, Case IH, Massey Ferguson and Ford. "It only takes a couple of clicks to find exactly what you are looking for," Rob says.

An online marketplace like Mascus.com is also perfect for anyone selling a used tractor. "Setting up a want ad to reach thousands of buyers across Europe is quick and easy," he says. "The market for used tractors and agricultural machinery is growing fast - particularly in Eastern Europe, where EU farming grants specify that old equipment is updated. Back load transport is cheap, so taking advantage of great deals in other countries makes sense."

Mascus, founded in Finland, is expanding quickly, too. The site is currently available in 17 languages and currencies. Rob and his colleagues at Mascus know that bringing buyers and sellers together on line makes sense for everyone involved: "The market for used machinery is huge. Thanks to the Internet, everyone's a winner."

Robert Tate - UK and Ireland Regional Manager of Mascus, an online marketplace for http://www.mascus.com used equipment and machinery, from http://www.mascus.com/browse.asp?nav=4&catalog=tractors used tractors to diggers and trailers plus much more. mailto:robert.tate@mascus.comAmandie Blog77646
Ariel Blog79043

Return Of The Monster

The Monster of the title is none other than Dollar Monster. Anyone who had dealings with Dollar Monster previously believed the beast had been slain by its owners but, it seems, it had just been banished and now is baaaaaaaaaack (as it says in its ads). Presumably the owners of Dollar Monster believe they have remained out of sight long enough for people to have forgiven or forgotten the events of 2004.

Dollar Monster pretends to be a friendly little monster who will help you to make money. It says: "DollarMonster's #1 priority is helping you make money!" In fact, its clear from the website that Dollar Monster will make the money for you and you can just sit back in your easy chair and do nothing. Dollar Monster claims to be the lazy person's way of making money; that should be a big enough hint that this program does not offer a legitimate way to make money.

Dollar Monster is a money doubler. Money Doubler programs enjoyed a brief spell of popularity back in 2004. Their popularity ended as one money doubler program after another closed owing members large sums of money and the whole money doubler industry was exposed as being a scam consisting of numerous pyramid schemes. The surprising thing is that the new Dollar Monster website refers to 2004 and to the notorious Easy Chair Club (sometimes described as the biggest Internet scam in recent history). It would seem more sensible for this site to pretend to have no connection whatsoever with the Easy Chair Club or the Dollar Monster that existed in 2004. In fact, it would seem more sensible to open up using an entirely different name because the people who joined Dollar Monster (or its sister site, My Magic Doubler) the first time round aren't going to be sucked in again and will warn people not to take part in the program.

The way money doublers work is that you pay money to the program, other people sign up after you and also pay money in. When enough has been paid in by new members, you get paid double the amount you first invested. The people whose money was used to pay you, get paid when members have paid enough cash in after them and so on

When money doubler programs are first launched, the cycle time is very short (it can be a matter of hours) but as more people join the cycle time gets longer because the number of new members required to cycle existing member positions grows exponentially. Eventually, the cycle time becomes so long the program ceases to attract new members and, when the cash injections dry up, the doubler stalls. With no new recruits bringing in cash, the members on the lowest level don't get double their money back, they lose all the money they paid in. At this point, the program and its owner normally disappear.

Money Doubler programs can survive for anything from a matter of hours up to several months. The ones that disappear within hours are normally run by outright crooks who had no intention of paying any money out to anyone. As soon as they have obtained a substantial sum of cash, they just vanish with it. If you are lucky you might avoid these particular crooks and might even make some money. One thing that is guaranteed is that if you aren't lucky enough to join at the right time, you will lose your money.

I hope the return of Dollar Monster does not signal the start of a new money doubler craze. People who were not around in 2004 might take to money doublers as a replacement for the rapidly declining autosurf for cash programs. In 2004 I fell for the story that money doublers were legitimate programs and the money they paid out came from advertising revenue. I speak from experience when I say that if you want to make money on the Internet, you have to work for it. Dollar Monster and similar money doubler programs are not an alternative to working for a living.

Visit Elaine Currie at her Work At Home Income Directory Website to start your Home Business today. http://www.HuntingVenus.comAnjela Blog10063
Anna Maria Blog58337

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